show 2: 11pm to 1am
Featured guest on this show was Mr. Kincaid, aka David LaRiviere, who performed live and chatted with us about art, politics and other diverse topics.
bugskull // storm the fort // soundtrack to the movie "crock"resina // toledo // opinio omnium
philip jeck // tilting // surf
jackie o motherfuckers // jugband 2000 // wow/the magic fire musik
ulf lohmann // b3 (untitled) // because ep
fog // fuckedupfuckfuckup // fog
mr. kincaid // live performance + interview
full metal booty // 10 // 6/49 project cd-r
full metal booty // 27 // 6/49 project cd-r
full metal booty // 12 // 6/49 project cd-r
asmus tietchens // teilmenge 17 // gamma-menge
asmus tietchens // teilmenge 23 // gamma-menge
*jaap blonk // labior // vocalor
burger ink // the jealous guy from memphis // las vegas
cabaret voltaire // your agent man // 3 crépuscule tracks
one year anniversary // thanxgiven // one year anniversary
*this managed to provoke a listener to call in and ask us to play something else.