show 178: 11pm to 12am
On tonight's show, guest host D.B. Buxton played my second set of my interviews from Mutek: aAron Munson of FAVA, who performed with Mark Templeton, and Gangpol & Mit. Half of the Gangpol experience is the wacky videos, so do yourself a favour and click the link already!
You can listen to all my Mutek interviews, as well as a panel discussion not aired on the show, on the CJSR News Department website, where they are gathered under a show called 'Mutek.'
While at Mutek 2007, I recorded interviews with Edmonton artists Clinker, Mark Templeton and Aaron Munson, as well as Leaf label artist Colleen, German prepared-piano pianist Hauschka, French duo Gangpol und Mit, Montreal based label owner and producer Pheek, Microcosm Music label owner Ezekiel Honig, and Swiss producer Kalabrese.
gangpol & mit // overture // the hopelessly sad story of the hideous end of the worldInterview with aaron munson
gangpol & mit // the only sure thing about luck is that it will change // the hopelessly sad...
gangpol & mit // don't forget the art // the hopelessly sad...
gangpol & mit // holy dance of the spirits in the forest // the hopelessly sad...
gangpol & mit // the world is gonna end // the hopelessly sad...
Interview with gangpol & mit
gangpol & mit // meccha go go (with mami chan) // the hopelessly sad...
gangpol & mit // when everything is gonna end // the hopelessly sad...
legion of green men // synaptic responses (faculties of cognition) // spatial specific